The Sherlock Holmes Society of Australia

"... one of the most unscrupulous rascals that Australia has ever evolved ..."

Sherlock Holmes - Divider

News From the Diggings

"News From the Diggings" was the quarterly newsletter of The Sherlock Holmes Society of Australia containing articles, stories and news items of interest to Sherlockians.

An index is available, prepared by Jim Eedle, covering all entries in the newsletter from its inception in 1980 up to and including the final edition of December 2002.

The index comprises three sections:

                1.  General Index
                2.  References to the stories
                3.  Annotated Index of Entries

The Index is available on paper at a cost of A$30.00, which includes
postage and packing, from:

                The Sydney Passengers                                 Email enquiries click here
                19 Malvern Avenue
                Manly  NSW  2095

Catherine Cooke, Curator of The Sherlock Holmes Collection at Marylebone Library, London
says of the Index: I've had a good look through it and am very impressed. A lot of work has gone into doing this and it is excellent. It will be extremely useful when looking for specific subjects or stories. I'm glad that we'll be able to make proper use of NFTD now.

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